20th Bonsai Trophy

It is now only a few more days before the doors open for the 20th “Noelanders” trophy. Or as it is called as of this year, just “The Trophy”.
Over the years, the Trophy has grown to become the first important bonsai event in the year.

With a large selection of top-quality bonsai from all over Europe, several demonstrations and a wide range of traders this is a place where each and every bonsai lover can find things to see and do. This year however promises to be something nothing short of spectacular.

In the 20th edition of the Trophy, the organization has gone through great lengths to find old price winners and previously nominated trees. As these trees were already great when they were on the trophy 5, 10 or even 20 years ago, time will have done its work and matured the trees even more. I am looking forward to seeing some well-known trees again!

Next to seeing trees, the Trophy is also the sort of event where you can meet all your old friends. As many people from across Europe make their way to Genk, Belgium for this, it makes an excellent moment to catch up! As a result, many enthusiasts decide to not just go for the day, but stay the whole weekend.

I have taken the liberty of copying the programme from the Trophy Website, so you can directly see: This is a place to be next weekend!
See you in Genk?

Tell me what you think!