Over the past week temperatures have steadily been dropping here. And although we do not get deep frosts every winter, there certainly is the risk for temperatures below -10C for a longer period of time. As such, I try to protect the plants a little at the first signs of winter.
Clean-up of the bonsai area
So as a start of winter, I take all trees and put them aside. Then I take my benches and put them in the shed to dry. Come spring, they will be completely dry, and will get a new coat of paint before serving me another season. After pulling all the weeds that have sprung up between the stands and a good swipe and the area is ready to receive the trees again. These I bring back, after removing weeds, moss and dead leaves from the pot.
Bonsai winter location
Trees can all stay outside, except for the pines, potentilla and olives. These are in a small greenhouse. The olives to protect them from too much frost. The pines against the rain. My potentillas have a lot of deadwood and I want to protect that from too much wetness too. The rest stays outside in the rain and wind. The plants are on the ground, in a corner of the garden shielded from the sun by a wall, and out of the wind. Only when a sustained frost of -5 or below is expected will maples and other sensitive species be moved into a shed.
Now it is a matter of waiting for winter. And spring, or course.